» Stroke



Certified Stroke Rehabilitation at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY

If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, you are not alone. Nearly 800,000 Americans suffer strokes every year. Devastating, physically, emotionally, and cognitively it can be hard to imagine the road to recovery. But Certified Stroke Rehabilitation at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, helps minimize symptoms and improve quality of life after a stroke. There is hope!

Physical Symptoms After a Stroke

When blood flow to the brain is blocked by a clot or failing artery, it causes a stroke that can cause severe long-term effects. The most common physical symptoms of stroke include:

  • Paralysis - Partial paralysis often affects one side of the body, like one arm or leg or the muscles on one side of the face.
  • Balance and Coordination Issues - Balance and coordinating movements (ataxia) are common issues after a stroke.
  • Muscle Weakness - Muscle weakness may be one-sided or may be a problem on both sides. Patients may have trouble with holding objects, walking, swallowing, or their bowel and/or bladder. 
  • Spasticity  - Sudden, uncontrolled movements are a troublesome symptom after a stroke.
  • Vision Problems - Patients may develop impaired vision, blind spots, or tunnel vision depending on where the stroke happened in the brain.

Nobody wants to live long-term with these symptoms, so Certified Stroke Rehabilitation at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, works to improve and often resolve these issues.

Stroke Physical Therapy with a Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist (CSRS)

Stroke physical therapy rebuilds strength and mobility as a major component of post-stroke recovery.

After hospital discharge, stroke patients need intensive rehab. After a comprehensive assessment, the Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist (CSRS) at Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, designs a rehab regime to specifically address the patient’s unique post-stroke symptoms.

Stroke rehabilitation helps speed up recovery from a stroke. Certified Stroke Rehabilitation physical therapy offers many benefits.

  • Strength and Mobility
  • Preventing Muscle Atrophy
  • Greater Independence
  • Boosts Mood and Reduces Risk of Depression
  • Better Quality of Life


Why Choose Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, for Stroke Rehabilitation?

Post-stroke rehabilitation has greater recovery potential the sooner you or your loved one starts physical therapy.

Our Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialists (CSRS) have specific training and experience with the unpredictable nature of symptoms during stroke recovery. This specialized field focuses on the best methods of treatment for stroke survivors.

Physical therapists are movement experts, but Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialists (CSRS) develop targeted rehab plans to improve quality of life through hands-on care and prescribed movement patient education. Our Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialists (CSRS) provide treatments for people who have had a stroke to restore walking ability, movement, improve function, and decrease disability.

Our work in stroke rehabilitation demonstrates how patients benefit significantly with every type and severity of stroke.

If you or a loved one have had a stroke, the first step is a comprehensive assessment of your condition.

Contact Function Better Physical Therapy Mega Center in Yorkville, NY, for an appointment.

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